Tuesday, February 2, 2010

random thought of the day

I'm not really sure but apparently men are attracted to women who can cook... if this is true i am completely and utterly screwed. This is more than unfortunate for me. See the most cooking i enjoy doing is taking the "easy bake" cookies cutting the package open, breaking the pre-cut cookie dough and placing them on the cookie sheet and waiting approximately 12-13 minutes for them to finish baking... i like to think i have mastered the art of timing for these delightful treats but i have been known to accidentally forget they were in there and let them burn. I never said I was perfect.

Furthermore, I would like to point out that at this time i have no one following my blog and as a result this would technically be considered talking to myself... am i ashamed of this I ask myself?... no, no I'm not ashamed. As a matter of fact i find it amusing, pathetic, depressing, and therapeutic all at the same time. With that said... I am off to bed. Good night... me.


  1. Oh little Caroline. Never fear, I am your lone follower haha. By the way, I have mad cooking skills, maybe they will rub off on you!

  2. personally I don't care if a girl can cook or not, because I know I can cook and feed her. Don't worry I'm sure you can find a guy that can good and feed you wonderful cooked meals. I can and do enjoy cooking, but I do think it would be fun to have a cooking partner and cook with her on a sunday and make a wonderful meal together every now-and-then, but it doesn't matter to me.
